How to use MPlus Online to trade stocks?

Zulhilmi Zolkfli MPlus Online
13 min readMar 23, 2021


Explanations about MPlus Online platform familiarization. Learn how to use MPlus Online as a trading platform to trade stocks at KLSE.

1. I’ve deposited an amount of money but why the amount at the Trust Account is lesser?

When you deposit your money into the cash account on MPlus Online, MPlus will reserve a percentage of the deposited money. For cash upfront account (M+ Silver), trading limit is approximately 99.5% — RM40 on cash deposited to your Trust Account only.

There is a sum of money reserved/set aside as a buffer for clearing fee, contract stamp and brokerage fees.

Hence, your available trading limit is slightly lesser than the deposited fund.

For example, when you deposit RM1000, the amount in your Trust Account will be RM955 as MPlus reserved another RM45.

99.5% x RM1000 — RM40 = RM955

In a case if you use all RM955 for a trade, MPlus will charge you the brokerage fee, contract stamp, SST brokerage, etc. from the reserved amount. While in the case you don’t use the deposited money and would like to withdraw right away, you’ll get all deposited RM1000.

2. How to read the Account Summary on MPlus Online?

Trust Account

It mirrors the total amount of money you’ve used to trade. This amount includes all unsettled amount brokerage, stamp duty, etc. The actual amount of money will be credited after the T+1 and T+2 settlement to Bursa. After all settlements due is over, the amount in Trust Account will be the total amount of money that you could withdraw.

Available Trading Limit

The amount of money you could use to trade. This amount will be updated for every trade (buying and selling).

Due For Forced Selling (>T+2)

If your account type is cash upfront account, there’s nothing you should do that related to this subject. This subject will be relevant only to margin account.

Due For Settlement (T+2)

2 days after you’ve purchased a stock (T+2), the amount from Remaining Purchase Contracts (T+1) will be credited into this subject. There’s nothing should be done from your side for this settlement. This settlement will be processed by MPlus to Bursa.

Remaining Purchase Contracts (T+1)

1 day after you’ve purchased a stock (T+1), an amount of money that need to be settled by MPlus to Bursa will be shown here. There’s nothing should be done from your side for this subject. When the amount here is 0, it means that all purchases have been settled.

Sales Proceeds Due (T+2)

2 days after you’ve sold a stock (T+2), the amount from Remaining Purchase Contracts (T+1) will be credited into this subject. There’s nothing should be done from your side for this settlement. This settlement will be processed by MPlus to Bursa.

Remaining Sales Contracts (T+1)

1 day after you’ve sold a stock (T+1), an amount of money that need to be settled by MPlus to Bursa will be shown here. There’s nothing should be done from your side for this subject. When the amount here is 0, it means that all sell have been settled.

Contra Gains/Losses (Net Amount)

This amount will be subjected when you bought and sold any stocks on a same day. This subject is useful for intraday trader.

3.1. How to deposit money to MPlus Online for cash account (Web)?

1: Login to MPlus Online and hover to Payment on the header. Then click Deposit.

2: Choose between Manual Transfer or FPX Direct Transfer. Make sure you follow the guidelines written on the website. Click Submit.

For FPX Direct Transfer, please follow the steps below.

i: Insert the amount in RM you want to deposit into your cash account.

ii: You’ll be directed to a secure payment page. Choose your bank and proceed with the payment as usual. Make sure the bank you choose is the same bank you’ve registered for your CDS account opening.

Secure payment page

iii. The deposited money should be in your account shortly. Check the Account Summary for confirmation.

For Manual Transfer, please follow the steps below.

i. Transfer the money you want to deposit to one of the bank accounts below. The options for money transfer are by cheque, cash or direct transfer.

  • Maybank: 0–04021–40918–1
  • UOB: 198–302–0394
  • Public Bank: 3171666534
  • CIMB: 8004758259

- Pay Type-Cash: ATM/Cash Deposit/Over the counter
- Pay Type-Direct Transfer : Interbank GIRO(IBG)/ Online Transfer/TT
- No Third Party Payment is allowed.
- Cheque subject clearance by Bank.

ii. Provide all information about the transfer. Click Upload button to upload the proof of bank in, such as bank in slip and cheque deposit slip. If you encounter upload issue please contact your Dealer / Remiser or email to

- File Format: .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif and .pdf format, maximum file size 5MB.
- File Name & Folder Path: No Special Characters for example: (!@# $ % ^_ , &*) when uploading file.

3.2. How to deposit money to MPlus Online for cash account (App)?

1: Login to MPlus Online app from your mobile. Then click on the burger button on the top right of the app, and choose Payment.

2: Select Deposit and choose between Offline Deposit or Online FPX Deposit.

3: Make sure you follow the guidelines written below.

For Online FPX Deposit, please follow the steps below.

i. Insert the amount you would like to deposit and click Submit button.

ii. You’ll be directed to a secure payment page. Choose your bank and proceed with the payment as usual. Make sure the bank you choose is the same bank you’ve registered for your CDS account opening.

For Offline Deposit, please follow the steps below.

i. Transfer the money you want to deposit to one of the bank accounts below. The options for money transfer are by cheque, cash or direct transfer.

  • Maybank: 0–04021–40918–1
  • UOB: 198–302–0394
  • Public Bank: 3171666534
  • CIMB: 8004758259

- Pay Type-Cash: ATM/Cash Deposit/Over the counter
- Pay Type-Direct Transfer : Interbank GIRO(IBG)/ Online Transfer/TT
- No Third Party Payment is allowed.
- Cheque subject clearance by Bank.

ii. Provide all information about the transfer. Then click the Add Deposit button.
- Pay Type: Choose either Cheque, Cash or Direct Transfer.
- Bank In Date: Select the date you’ve transferred the deposit. The date must match with the date in the document that you’ll upload to the system.
- Bank In Time: Select the time you’ve transferred the deposit. The time must match with the time in the document that you’ll upload to the system.
- Amount (RM): Insert the total amount you’ve deposited. The amount must match with the amount in the document that you’ll upload to the system.
- Drawee Bank: The bank you use to transfer the deposit from.
- Cheque No.: The unique number of the cheque you’ve used to deposit.
- Cheque Date: The date written on the cheque you’ve used to deposit.
- Deposit Bank: Select the bank you’ve chosen to deposit the money into either Maybank, UOB, Public Bank or CIMB.
- Deposit Bank Branch: Provide the branch of the bank you’ve deposited the money into.
- File Attachment: Upload the document to prove your transfer. Please make sure the document is clear and easy to see. Acceptable file formats are jpg and png. The maximum file size is 5MB.

If encounter upload issue please contact your Dealer / Remisier or email to

4.1. How to withdraw money from MPlus Online to bank account (Web)?

1: Login to MPlus Online and hover to Withdrawal on the header. Then click Cash.

2: Select your Client Code, Withdrawal Type and your bank. Write your bank account and the amount in RM that you would like to withdraw. Make sure you are withdrawing the money to the bank account that you’ve registered during the CDS account opening. Then, click the Submit button.

- Applicable for Ringgit Malaysia (RM) only.
- Trust amount shown has not taken into consideration of outstanding purchases or debit positions.
- All payment cheques issued shall be levied RM0.50 (exclusive of GST if any) processing fee per cheque issued.
- Any Withdrawal less than RM100, there will be a service charge of RM1 per transaction.

Any withdrawal before 4:00pm will be credited into your said bank account on the next trading day. However during the high withdrawal requests period, the approved withdrawal amount will be credited into your designated bank account within 3 working days.

4.2. How to withdraw money from MPlus Online to bank account (App)?

1: Login to MPlus Online app from your mobile. Then click on the burger button on the top right of the app, and choose Withdraw and select Cash Withdrawal.

2: Provide all required details and click Submit.
- Withdrawal Type: Choose either you would like to withdraw as cash or cheque. For cash, choose WITHDRAWAL AS IBG.
- Bank to be Deposited: The bank account you’ve registered during the MPlus CDS account opening.
- Bank Account No: The bank account number you’ve registered during the MPlus CDS account opening.
- Amount (RM): The amount of money you would like to withdraw. The amount must not exceed the Trust Amount.

- Applicable for Ringgit Malaysia (RM) only.
- Trust amount shown has not taken into consideration of outstanding purchases or debit positions.
- All payment cheques issued shall be levied RM0.50 (exclusive of GST if any) processing fee per cheque issued.
- Any Withdrawal less than RM100, there will be a service charge of RM1 per transaction.

Any withdrawal before 4:00pm will be credited into your said bank account on the next trading day. However during the high withdrawal requests period, the approved withdrawal amount will be credited into your designated bank account within 3 working days.

5.1. How to buy and sell stocks on MPlus Online (Web)?

1: Login to MPlus Online website. Search and go to the stock name you would like to buy.

2: When you buy a stock, make sure you are set the BUY tab (green color). Similarly, when you sell a stock, make sure you are set the SELL tab (red color). The explanations of each option are as follow:

  • Order Entry
    * Normal: A normal order where you buy a stock and sell it.
    * IDSS (Intraday Short Selling): A order where you sell a stock before buy it back. For more information about IDSS, you can refer here.
  • Modality
    * Limit: A normal order where you buy a stock at a fixed price.
    * Stop Limit:
    - When buy a stock, it is an option to hide Buy Order at a unique price which will not be shown in the Order Queue.
    - When sell a stock, it is useful to stop potential losses by executing stop loss sell order.
    - Stop Limit order is available for Normal Order only and not for Odd Lot order. For more information about how to use Stop Limit, you can refer here.
  • Price (MYR): The price of a stock that you want to buy/sell.
  • Quantity (x100 shares): The quantity of a stock in lot order (1 lot = 100 units) that you want to buy/sell.
  • Validity
    * Today: The order that only valid on the day you buy/sell a stock. When the day is over, the order will be expired and you will have to resubmit the order again.
    * GTD (Good Till Date): The order will be valid until the date you set. The maximum period that you can set from the day you order is 1 month. The order will be expired after the date that you’ve set.

3: After you’ve inserted all necessary details about the purchase/sell, click the Send Now button.

4: Insert the trading pin. You’ll be redirected to Order Preview page and click Confirm button to proceed. Trading pin is the password you use to login MPlus platform.

5: Check your order status. If the status is All Matched, it means that you’ve purchased/sold the shares completely. Other order status are as follow:

  • Partial Matched: Only a partial of the number of unit was matched currently. You’ll get all full quantity when there are enough number of unit that other people want to sell at that price.
  • Failed: Your order was failed due to some problems. One of the common issue is that the stock you would like to buy is non-syariah compliance while you are holding a syariah compliance account.
  • Canceled: You’ve canceled your order status.
  • Expired: Your order was not matched until the order validity date. You can set the order validity status when you want to buy/sell a stock.

6: Once you’ve purchased the stock, it will be listed in your Portfolio. While when you’ve sold a stock, it will be unlisted from your Portfolio.

5.2. How to buy and sell stocks on MPlus Online (App)?

1: Login to MPlus Online through the app. Search and go to the stock name you would like to buy.

2: When you buy a stock, make sure you are set the BUY tab (green color). Similarly, when you sell a stock, make sure you are set the SELL tab (red color). The explanations of each option are as follow:

  • Order Entry
    * Normal: A normal order where you buy a stock and sell it.
    * IDSS (Intraday Short Selling): A order where you sell a stock before buy it back. For more information about IDSS, you can refer here.
  • Modality
    * Limit: A normal order where you buy a stock at a fixed price.
    * Stop Limit:
    - When buy a stock, it is an option to hide Buy Order at a unique price which will not be shown in the Order Queue.
    - When sell a stock, it is useful to stop potential losses by executing stop loss sell order.
    - Stop Limit order is available for Normal Order only and not for Odd Lot order. For more information about how to use Stop Limit, you can refer here.
  • Price (MYR): The price of a stock that you want to buy/sell.
  • Quantity (x100 shares): The quantity of a stock in lot order (1 lot = 100 units) that you want to buy/sell.
  • Validity
    * Today: The order that only valid on the day you buy/sell a stock. When the day is over, the order will be expired and you will have to resubmit the order again.
    * GTD (Good Till Date): The order will be valid until the date you set. The maximum period that you can set from the day you order is 1 month. The order will be expired after the date that you’ve set.

3: After you’ve inserted all necessary details about the purchase/sell, click the Order Preview button.

4: Insert the trading pin. You’ll be redirected to Order Preview page and click Confirm button to proceed. Trading pin is the password you use to login MPlus platform.

5: Check your order status. If the status is All Matched, it means that you’ve purchased/sold the shares completely. Other order status are as follow:

  • Partial Matched: Only a partial of the number of unit was matched currently. You’ll get all full quantity when there are enough number of unit that other people want to sell at that price.
  • Failed: Your order was failed due to some problems. One of the common issue is that the stock you would like to buy is non-syariah compliance while you are holding a syariah compliance account.
  • Canceled: You’ve canceled your order status.
  • Expired: Your order was not matched until the order validity date. You can set the order validity status when you want to buy/sell a stock.

6: Once you’ve purchased the stock, it will be listed in your Portfolio. While when you’ve sold a stock, it will be unlisted from your Portfolio.

Haven’t registered a CDS account with MPlus Online? Open a CDS account with MPlus Online from the link below.

MPlus CDS account opening

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach me out anytime at or call +60327031413. I’ll try my best to guide you through out your trading activities.



Zulhilmi Zolkfli MPlus Online
Zulhilmi Zolkfli MPlus Online

Written by Zulhilmi Zolkfli MPlus Online

Zulhilmi Zolkfli MPlus Online delivers free writings and education about stock market and trading.

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